
Three-Point Lighting for Video Oral History Interviews

For several years, professional video technologies have become increasingly more affordable and accessible. We see more oral history projects utilizing HD (high definition) and 4K video as the primary recording method for interviews. Professional-looking video interviews can be a powerful way to capture and disseminate oral history; however, from a user’s perspective, bad-looking video can be a distraction and undercuts the importance and effectiveness of the content. Many factors go into creating professional-looking video interviews. Still, no matter how expensive your camera may be, and no matter what frame rate, resolution, or format you are using, it is still essential to understand some basic lighting techniques in order to capture professional-looking oral history interviews on video. In 2012, I created this brief video tutorial on three-point lighting for recording professional-looking video oral history interviews, and I thought it would be helpful to refresh and review!

Tutorial on three-point lighting for oral history

To learn more about lighting for video, read my article The Art of Lighting for Recording Video Oral History Interviews from Oral History in the Digital Age.

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